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Annotation collection “grantmakers”

This collection contains 5 annotations.

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Annotations in this collection

het lijkt te werken volgens mij

on: https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/6232566/urker-vissers-redden-man-van-boei-in-het-kanaal-hij-zat-daar-al-dagen.html


NGI0 Entrust

on: https://nlnet.nl/entrust/

Among others we are looking to deliver architectures, protocols and services to ensure that end-users can exert their rights (e.g. under the GDPR) and benefit from decentralised technological solutions that ensure that they are fully in control of their personal data on the Internet. We assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technologies, and to help them put it in the hands of future generations as building blocks for a fair and democratic society and a sustainable and open economy that benefits all. Have a look at the projects from NGI0 PET and NGI0 Discovery to see what we mean, but don't be afraid to send something completely different if you think you can contribute to the topic.

Arguably, the key argument for having nice window styles is to slow down the host computer which facilitates the sales of new devices with stronger CPUs and GPUs.

on: https://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal-msw.html

many users at CERN will be accessing the system using primitive terminals, and so advanced window styles are not so important for us now.

Might be useful to improve accessibility

on: https://nlnet.nl/

In addition we run the NGI Zero Review programme, which supports projects within the larger Next Generation Internet initiative to improve their quality and inclusiveness — for instance by hardening security and privacy, improving accessibility, tackling open source licensing compliance issues and through standardisation.

Event to attend!

on: https://wiki.ietf.org/en/meeting/115/sidemeetings

17:30 NGI0 EU funding info
View this collection as JSON
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            "exact": "Among others we are looking to deliver architectures, protocols and services to ensure that end-users can exert their rights (e.g. under the GDPR) and benefit from decentralised technological solutions that ensure that they are fully in control of their personal data on the Internet. We assist independent researchers and developers to create powerful new technologies, and to help them put it in the hands of future generations as building blocks for a fair and democratic society and a sustainable and open economy that benefits all. Have a look at the projects from NGI0 PET and NGI0 Discovery to see what we mean, but don't be afraid to send something completely different if you think you can contribute to the topic.",
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          "value": "Arguably, the key argument for having nice window styles is to slow down the host computer which facilitates the sales of new devices with stronger CPUs and GPUs.",
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